2 votes

Fiber optic guitar, what is it and what are its advantages?

Unfortunately, the comment format isn't capable of handling my response to this question. Section 5 of the article you linked lists the supposed advantages of such an instrument. let's go through them ...
7HzResearch's user avatar
1 vote

Possible Harmonium/Reed Organ Synthesizing Techniques

I later recorded the base note/frequency (C4) and resampled it to other notes. Although the quality is not studio level, it is still pleasant. A good recording sample would improve quality. Finally, I ...
DCP's user avatar
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1 vote

Making metal music without real instruments

Drums Superior Drummer 2 w. Metal Foundry SDX expansion Shreddage Drums Guitar and Bass Shreddage 2 - The shreddage plugins are at the moment the only decent solutions (IMO): ...
Michael Hansen Buur's user avatar

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