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2 votes

A "newspaper in the photo" but for audio? Audible hash/signature/password/watermark for timestamp? What (live?) audio channel validates Proof of Time?

How about embedding a smart contract into the audio using digital watermarking? Essentially, a trusted encrypted ledger entry could embed the date (or any particular information) such that later on ...
Drew Mills's user avatar
2 votes

A "newspaper in the photo" but for audio? Audible hash/signature/password/watermark for timestamp? What (live?) audio channel validates Proof of Time?

This might be a forensics question, the answer to which is is the ENF signal (Electrical Network Frequency) which is used in forensics to locate certain associated acoustic and electrical signals in ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I remove mouse and key clicks from live audio?

The best way to proceed in your case is to increase the signal to noise ratio as much as possible. Try a different location for the microphone - somewhere where is further away from the keyboard noise....
Dalv Olan's user avatar
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