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2 votes

Hear what I'm saying to Zoom h4n pro

I believe it is on page 71 of the manual: Input / monitor / On. No extra equipment needed. ( Disclaimer: I have not used the H4n ).
ghellquist's user avatar
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Noise when I don't speak

It sounds like what you need is a noise gate. There are several (even free) VST's out there that could achieve the result you are looking for. You could either record your audio into any DAW running ...
Joost Reus's user avatar
1 vote

How to check if an audio file is mono mixed?

If I understand you correctly, what you really want to know is just if your stereo file has the exact same signal on the left and the right channel. If that it what you want to know you can phase ...
PetaspeedBeaver's user avatar

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