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6 votes

How to make all sound be at approximately the same level?

Better is subjective, and taste differs, but a chain of effects might include the following: High pass filter, maybe set at 20Hz. Depends on the material, but if you have a recording done with ...
ghellquist's user avatar
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5 votes

How to change volume of a .wav file in a mp3gain-like way?

ReplayGain tags aren't standard in WAV files, so you have to alter the PCM data with the required gain. As per my reading of the Replaygain specs, a correctly implemented Replaygain scanner will ...
Gyan's user avatar
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4 votes

Novice question: should I normalize my audiobook sound?

Normalization is a very simple process. It finds the highest peak and applies gain (makes everything louder) until the highest peak is at the specified maximum level (-1dB in the picture). There's ...
Schizomorph's user avatar
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In general, what's a good dB level at which to normalize my audio files?

In my experience, it all depends on where the audio is to be used next. If there is a limiter of some kind in the next phase of the process. Sometimes a limiter will be applied at varying levels ...
n00dles's user avatar
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3 votes

Normalize waveform level in Audacity

There's a difference between Normalisation to absolute loudness & perceived loudness. Standard Normalisation is absolute. It will turn the track up until the highest single peak reaches 0dBFS [...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes

Normalization - peak amplitude level vs actual loudness level

My suggestion is to do three steps. Step one, using your EARS, adjust the volume of the various portions of your program so that they have the correct relative volume that you want. If you want them ...
Mark's user avatar
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3 votes

Amplifiying unsymmetrical voice recordings

I too agree that the question does not provide the right detail BUT talking about asymmetrical waveforms, the answer lies in phase rotation, the way kahn (or whatever spelling that name has) the ...
frcake's user avatar
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2 votes

In general, what's a good dB level at which to normalize my audio files?

Best practise these days when considering content normalization is not to normalize to an arbitrary peak level, but to consider programme content and overall loudness when conducting normalization ...
Mark's user avatar
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2 votes

In general, what's a good dB level at which to normalize my audio files?

If you normalize all of your samples to -0.1 dB, then use them in your DAW projects, you'll end up clipping your audio tracks all the time as soon as you use a plug-in. I use Pro Tools where the ...
Simon Bosley's user avatar
2 votes

Difference between gain and normalization whole track in Audacity

The process is identical, but one is tested, the other is not. Gain will not test for overs, it will just clip if you add too much. Normalisation will scan the entire track & only allow gain to be ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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2 votes

Normalize sound by average peak

So here is how I solved this - thanks to Mark, for pointing me in the right direction. In Audition, in "Window", enable "Amplitude Statistics" window. Then select the entire clip, ...
Akyhne's user avatar
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2 votes

Normalize sound by average peak

we don't normalize audio by peak level any more. We use Loudness - LUFS/EBU128 strategies.
Mark's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I adjust recorded audio so that the quiet parts become louder and the loud parts become quieter?

This is one reason why a) you do a level check before you go & b) why you record to separate tracks. If compression/limiting can't make up the gain enough, or over-compresses one voice without ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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How to change volume of a .wav file in a mp3gain-like way?

Wav, afaik, has no equivalent soft-gain parameter. You could simply use Audacity to normalise to zero [so you have a level playing field], then again to -92.8dB... but -92.8 is going to be awfully ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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How can Increse the volume for a specify range of peaks AUDACITY

You can't really do this as you expect. You can increase the volume of the frequency ranges that your voice is in, but this will also increase the volume of anything else in those frequency ranges. ...
Rory Alsop's user avatar
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Normalize audio above a sound level in audacity

The trouble with Normalisation is it is undiscerning, it simply increases all gain until one peak reaches 0dBFS - & brings the entire noise-floor with it by the same amount. Adding compression is ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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(Noob) How to reduce and increase volume on a single track?

if you dont know how to use a compressor , automate the volume. Some software allows you to draw a volume curve to adjust loud and low parts.
jonny tracker's user avatar
1 vote

(Noob) How to reduce and increase volume on a single track?

This is what a compressor is for. You can reduce the dynamic range of a whole track (making the loud parts quieter) and then adjust the overall volume of the track as you wish. It would be easy to do ...
jsbeckr's user avatar
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1 vote

Highlight peaking parts on a waveform?

You're not approaching this in the right way. By doing this "iterative normalization" you will be basically changing gain with little to no crossfade between the regions. This is not going to give you ...
Mark's user avatar
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