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What's the difference between "FM synthesis" and "MIDI synthesis"?

There's really no such thing as MIDI Synthesis. Synthesis is the process by which sounds are 'synthesised' using various modulation and generation techniques. MIDI is the "Musical Instrument ...
Mark's user avatar
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removing controller noise when recording

Dalv is right that you would ideally bring the mic closer to the source you want to record, although that isn't technically what signal-to-noise means. Good mic placement is going to have the most ...
thesoundofthings's user avatar
2 votes

Artifacts when exporting sound as 8-bit WAV

Given that your input file is 44.1 kHz/32 bits/stereo file and your desired output is 22.050 kHz/8 bits/mono file, there are actually three processes that are involved in your request : resampling ...
audionuma's user avatar
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Merging and duplicating two audio outputs

You didn't mention what program you use to record, but if it's not OBS I recommend you try that out. I have an arctis pro with the gamedac for chatmix and I can input the game and chat audios into ...
Jerry K's user avatar
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What are the audio settings that affect distortion on abrupt stop?

You need to re-edit the sound and implement a very short fade-in and fade-out at the start and end of the sample.
Mark's user avatar
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What are the audio settings that affect distortion on abrupt stop?

Without seeing the waveform, the best guess is it could be DC Offset, or it could be a limitation of the audio engine. If a waveform is at any non-zero value when the sound is abruptly stopped, then ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Why can I not record ambisonics in Unity with Google Resonance?

Recording Ambisonic A-Format audio is a fairly specialised task which should be undertaken by someone with experience in that particular field. You need a 4-channel field recorder with identical gain ...
Mark's user avatar
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Best choice for bandpass frequency

The first half of your question states some clear facts. "Gameboy" and "32 4-bit samples played back in a loop". The rest of the question goes off in an unclear direction. Any bandpass filter you ...
Mark's user avatar
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Weapon Projectile Sound Design

Great question! More like this, please. I work primarily in film so there is no backend engine; everything is custom-designed to fit the image on the screen. Some methods I've found helpful in the ...
Jay Jennings's user avatar
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Military Weapon Sound Design from Abstract Sources

For any 'tube' sound, you can get a lot of mileage out of 2" plastic plumbing/drainage pipe. You can slap it, on the side or over the end of the tube [it's almost a drum played like that], blow down ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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How can I splice previous voice recordings to create completely new audio?

Assuming, you like to create a new speech signal that sounds natural, there is multiple levels of "sound" that you have to consider: base frequency (pitch of your voice) overtone frequencies (sound ...
philburns's user avatar
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Recurring artifacts trying to export a sound as 8-bit

When you quantize the sound down to 8-bit, there are different algorithms you can use to get there. The simplest-to-implement, naïve algorithm is nearest neighbor. This is basically just rounding the ...
sqlsourcerer's user avatar
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Are BRSTM files lossless?

The Binary Revolution Stream format uses ADPCM to represent audio data. ADPCM uses a lossless compression algorithm. ADPCM is an adaptation of DPCM, which is in turn, an adaptation of PCM. ...
n00dles's user avatar
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Are BRSTM files lossless?

From a quick read through several of the links above, I believe it's most appropriate to call BRSTM a lossless audio format. For a start, let's define "lossless audio": For simplicity's sake, a ...
uint128_t's user avatar
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Mixing voice audio for computer speakers

If the client is asking you to target a particular hardware, do not mix on studio monitors as your primary platform - you mix on much smaller band-limited speakers such as auratones. Only monitor and ...
Mark's user avatar
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Will an external microphone make a tremendous difference in my work?

Effects are spliced into your recordings. They are supposed to be clearly audible and thus come with considerable gain. If they come with a non-trivial noise floor, this noise floor will be spliced ...
user21155's user avatar

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