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2 votes

Famous songs recorded and edited with Audacity?

Four Tet regularly uses Audacity and to answer Clark's question, familiarity with the software.
Tippicanoe's user avatar
2 votes

Shock Mount - Why use elastic?

Coil springs go 'boing' ;-) Elastic doesn't. Seriously, metal springing will transmit noise where elastic will damp it much more quickly. Fabric-wrapped elastic even more so, as the fabric aids the ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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2 votes

Neutrik combojack connect to 3.5mm trs jack

The XLR contacts can be hard-wired for your use case, 1&3 all to ground (S on the output), 2 of the first to T of the output (left), of the second to R (right). This is an "unbalancing" ...
user107063's user avatar
1 vote

Reduce low-frequency noise from nearby rail yard during home renovation

Low-frequency noise is structure-borne, mechanical transmission. Isolation and suspension are the most common and most practical ways to eliminate such noise. You have to float floors and isolate ...
Kurt Gibson's user avatar
1 vote

What is the true definition for the length of a pulse (impulse-type sounds)?

For an application such as this, I think that measurement of the pulse width can be somewhat arbitrary as long as you are measuring all pulses in the same way. For instance, pulses of 200ms or longer ...
Mark's user avatar
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How can i remove noise from sound coming from my computer mic jack ?

Computers' built-in sound devices are notoriously cheap & cheerful... & noisy. The only real 'fix' would be to invest in a reputable outboard device, connected over USB.
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Question about the Haas Effect

His wording is confusing, but he does mean that the two channels, the original and the duplicate, should be panned hard left and right. The whole point of using the Haas effect is to maintain the even ...
Tom's user avatar
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Mid-range Frequency Mixing

Well , this is one of the most difficult issues , the midrange. First of all , you mention that you mix for 10 years? i mean.. room balance & monitoring is one of the most important things , ...
frcake's user avatar
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