A 'wireless' lav mic is wired to its transmitter, so you'd still have a couple of metres of cable to deal with - otherwise, sure, you can tape a lav mic to a stand, or buy a specific gooseneck. I actually put one on a skinny gooseneck to be able to squeeze in tight to a drum kit. Your punters might not realise there's a mic there, though, it being so small. https://www.dpamicrophones.com/accessories/gooseneck-mount-for-4060-series-lavalier-microphone

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Of course, by the time you've gone to the trouble of wiring it down the mic stand, you may as well wire it all the way & save on a transmitter.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/NvDmV.jpg