I am using the following setup to play guitar on a budget. I want to use my PC amp simulation software, for my practice, not just recording. - Connect my guitar to my audio interface ([Focusrite Scarlet Solo 1st gen][2]) - Connect my audio interface to my PC - Process the signal with Amplitube, adding amp simulation, effects etc - Get the processed sound back from my headphones, connected to the audio interface [![enter image description here][1]][1] It all works fine except I cannot get any sound from my PC into the same headset. It would be sweet to listen to a backing track or a music track, while I'm practicing. But since I'm already wearing a headset, I can only listen to my PC sound card from my PC speakers, playing loud. That's too loud for my neighbors, and I find it hard to learn songs by ear. Is there some way I can combine the two sound sources (PC and AudioInterface) to the same headset (for late night practice) or the same monitor/speakers? Do I need to use a mixer or a console etc? Or can I just use something like a Y cable : 2x 3.5mm jacks (male) to one 3.5 socket (female)? If yes, can I use any Y-splitter? I'm sure I'm not the first to try this, but I'm probably missing something really obvious, or I got something wrong, because after lots of searching online, I still got no luck. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/icoFP.jpg [2]: https://store.focusrite.com/product/scarlett-solo-2nd-gen-/MOSC0019~MOSC0019?ads_cmpid=618382244&ads_adid=30328243155&ads_matchtype=&ads_network=g&ads_creative=95513246835&utm_term=&ads_targetid=pla-336794521815&utm_campaign=&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&ttv=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_Ov0rvq71gIVhT4bCh2RrgR0EAQYASABEgL-wPD_BwE