Questions tagged [zombies]

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4 answers

Zombie Voice How To?

Hello, I am working on a film that have a lot of zombies. Do you have any advice on making the voice of the zombies (they are non actually speaking)? I tried to make few sounds that are not bad, (...
bebbo's user avatar
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Zombies! .

Hey guys I'm just about to start working on a new show about zombies and robots battling it out in the future. Epic, i know. My question is, obviously good zombie sounds comes from performance, but I'...
SonicDesigns's user avatar
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4 answers

Romero-like sound design

In Utah, there is a local short-film contest, called the Demon Chaser, that's associated with our larger Salty Horror Film Festival. This contest is pretty similar to the 48HFF in that we're given a ...
Dave Matney's user avatar
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8 answers

Favorite Zombie Sounds?

There are a ton of zombie movies and video games out there. Lots of different types of zombies too. Ones that can almost talk, some are silent, some sound like animals, some just gurgle. Do you ...
Colin Hart's user avatar
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