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Music Sound Design Thesis Ideas! [closed]

I'm about to start my thesis and I'm a bit confused as what to start with. I like to make music in my free time so I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn more about sound design in the ...
Jerod Mclean's user avatar
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Why does a synthesized polyphonic sound completely different from the “real” one?

I am making a software audio synthesizer and so far i've managed to play a single tone at once. My goal was to make it polyphonic, i.e when i press 2 keys both are active and produce sound (i'm aware ...
robeddieson's user avatar
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What's the difference between additive and subtractive synthesis?

It seems that most hardware synths use subtractive synthesis techniques, while in the digital realm it's common to see synths that work with different degrees of additive synthesis. What's the ...
NPN328's user avatar
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What's the difference between "FM synthesis" and "MIDI synthesis"?

I'm trying to understand how "FM synthesis" and "MIDI synthesis" are relative to each other. For example, in one article that I found on the Internet (here it is) it is said that... the process by ...
john c. j.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to use frequency modulation synthesis to play human voice?

Wikipedia says "yes": It was initially designed for radios to transmit voice by modulating one waveform's frequency with another's. This is why FM radio is called FM (frequency modulation). -- ...
john c. j.'s user avatar
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How do you make this huge distorted analog bass/pad sound?

I would really appreciate information on how to create this analog sounding bass/pad sound at 0:02 and 1:13 onwards.
Kris's user avatar
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What is the effect used here that resembles a distorted guitar?

I am building a project for my music technology module in University and would like to know how to imitate this effect. Originally, I thought it was guitar but after having watched a video of the band ...
user avatar
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Possible Harmonium/Reed Organ Synthesizing Techniques

I am working on a project to make a synthesizer for RaspberryPi capable of playing Harmonium/Reed Organ using an external MIDI keyboard. I am making it in Python 2.7 using NumPy. Till now, I have ...
DCP's user avatar
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What is this sound? Some kind of LFO synth? Song: Heart of a Lion, Kid Cudi

I am wanting to create a sound like this one. It has something to do with LFOs with a degree of instability. [Shows itself at 0:25-0:30 as it rises in pitch and does so again a few times throughout ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Novation Bass Station II

I recently bought a Novation Bass Station II and am finding it considerably difficult to adapt to. Most notably, I'm finding it difficult to produce relatively simple tones/timbres. What parameters ...
voices's user avatar
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How is this specific sound synthesized?

Would like to know what kind of synthesizer, with what all type of controls might be used to synthesize the dominant instrument (obviously apart from purcussion, guitar) playing in this clip: The ...
bdutta74's user avatar
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Reverb sort of airy synth note

trying to make this sound that you hear in this track starting at 1:28 and you hear it throughout the entirety of the track. Ive tried alot of things, using triangle waves or pulse waves, two ...
Dom's user avatar
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MASSIVE: Is there a way to use macro so you can control OSC pitch and Rate of Dimension Expander/Reverb?

Is there a way to use macro so you can control OSC pitch and Rate of Dimension Expander/Reverb with the same macro button ?
Mateus Ledur's user avatar
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Help me make a patch for this bass stab/pluck?

I'm trying to recreate this heavy and interesting bass stab/pluck that comes over the vocal at the drop of No Quarter by Zac waters. Here's what I'm referring too! If anyone out there can tell me how ...
Mayzler's user avatar
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What type of filter is the "French Low Pass Filter"?

What kind of filter is a French Lowpass Filter? In one example I know of, the Serum soft synth, there is a lowpass filter called the "French LP" under the "Misc" set of filters. I suspect it may ...
rcd's user avatar
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Tips on creating synthesized sounds? (Examples included)

I have been mainly working with "real" sound effects but in certain games I play I have no idea how they get certain sounds (by ear, it seems to be synthesized to me). The YouTube video linked has two ...
Gigglecrunch's user avatar
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How to Synthesize a Cello Sound in Pure Data

I'm trying to make a sustaining cello sound in Pure Data. How do I make this sound? From what I understand, I'm working with a sine wave. With the ...
btbinhtran's user avatar
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Make a PureData Sine Wave Synth that is audible from C0 - G10

I have been trying to generate a basic sine wave synth in PureData using a "osc" object, but my lower pitches are so low in volume and higher pitches are high in volume. My understanding of ...
btbinhtran's user avatar
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Creating the SSB untuned radio effect

There is a similar question here How do you create Single Sideband Modulation (SSB)? but it does not solve how to recreate the effect with an FM or subtractive synth or a vocoder( if it is possible ). ...
Felice Pollano's user avatar
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Self-oscillating filter in NI Massive?

does anyone know if the filter in NI Massive can reach self-oscillation? I'm thinking about purchasing it but would just like to find this out beforehand. I can't really find any info on this ...
Perceptic's user avatar
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IL Harmor soundesign thread

Anyone have tried this great plug-in? How is your workflow? I'm still learning so your advice and suggestions are welcome!
Licheno's user avatar
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Your favourite soundscape / texture creation tools?

Hey everyone, Starting to tire of the literal soundscapes that most of my projects up to now have involved. For the next project I'm involved with it's dark, deep, unnatural and all-round funky! I ...
Aaron Darrell O'Neill's user avatar