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Tool for creating a WAV given a function of time/sample

What software could I use to create a WAV file from a function of sample number? I am building an implementation of Group Additive Synthesis in a modular softsynth and I just need a simple way of ...
Civ77's user avatar
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How to use unison without voice beating/phasing

I've been learning to make trance and progressive house for the past few years, and have always encountered the same problem when creating sounds with unison, eg. plucked saw chords. Every few stabs ...
Phil's user avatar
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Tips on creating synthesized sounds? (Examples included)

I have been mainly working with "real" sound effects but in certain games I play I have no idea how they get certain sounds (by ear, it seems to be synthesized to me). The YouTube video linked has two ...
Gigglecrunch's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How can I make 3D binaural sound in an automated way?

I've heard incredible videos of "3D binaural sound" on Youtube, where the sound appears to have a position in space around the listener, and even move. Although these are often generated from simply ...
Eldritch's user avatar