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Questions tagged [stereo]

Stereo (stereophonic sound) is a two-channel audio stream intended to recreate the natural stereo field. Use for questions related to stereophonic audio.

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3 votes
2 answers

How to get AUX send mono signal converted to stereo?

I have a small mixer (Soundcraft Spirit Folio Lite) with 2 AUX sends that I want to use for monitoring. I'm plugging one of those AUX sends to the CD/MP3 in of my POD HD500X guitar multieffect so I ...
RaYell's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Stereo and mono cables and jacks? What happens when you cross them?

I'm trying to get an understand of the effects of stereo and mono cables and jacks. This is complex because my mixer has both only mono jacks, and my devices -- most of them -- only have stereo ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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8 answers

Sound coming from behind using stereo field

Hey all, I'm working on a sci-fi actiony flick right now, very low budget so mixing in surround is not an option. I have a scene where a robot with a jetpack is landing behind someone, off screen in ...
Kyoti's user avatar
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1 answer

Combine two mono mics into one stereo signal, such that each mic gets its own channel (left and right) [duplicate]

I am recording with Zoom H1. I have two ATR-3350 lav mics. They are self-powered and have 3.5 mm (1/8") mono miniplug. I would like to combine them into one stereo signal such that the left channel ...
Alan Turing's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do binaural recordings sound in a typical stereo situation?

I'm curious if there's any notable difference between a binaural recording and a typical stereo miking pattern when listening in a studio environment. Is there anything that needs to be compensated ...
TFF's user avatar
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5 answers

How do you record your ambiences?

This question is mainly aimed at generic ambiences. So for instance, the type you'd find in a library rather than recorded specifically for a scene. I'm curious as to what microphones and stereo ...
Andrew Spitz's user avatar
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3 answers

Do mobile phones etc. convert stereo music to binaural for earbud listening?

It used to be that everyone listened to music in their homes using hi-fi stereo systems with huge amps and speakers. But today, almost all music is listened to using ear-bud speakers. Stereo sound ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar