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Questions tagged [sampling]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can I stop slicex from taking out the channel settings?

Everytime I sample something using edison change the pitch in channel settings etc. and throw it in Slicex, Slicex interprets the sample in it's raw format. Is there a better way of stopping Slicex ...
Szymon Zmudzki's user avatar
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How do I get Logic to export the sounds recorded from Kontak w/ Symphobia?

I can get the sounds recorded and on separate tracks but they wont export. It just says there is nothing to export. Also I cant get Kontak in a regular channel strip with level meter. It will only ...
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What effects are used to match this specific sample?

I want to recreate a sample used in the song "Promise Ring" by Death's Dynamic Shroud. The original sample used in the Promise Ring song is called "Soon as I get home", taken from ...
Amieine's user avatar
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Help with vocal sort of sound

I am currently working on a track and there is a particular sort of sound that is just begging to be put into it. I have a pretty good vision of what it sounds like and a good example can be heard on ...
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