Questions tagged [offsets]

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4 votes
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Timecode irregularity post

So the editor of this period drama says to me last week, the sync is out, and also commented that the 2nd unit recordist was as much as 5 frames out of sync.... now first of all let's says there's a 2 ...
Sharpy's user avatar
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When would you use DC Offset?

I understand what DC offset it. It's moving the center of the waveform off of the zero crossing line. Not really sure when you would use it. Is it more of a means to fix things or is it used for other ...
Dave's user avatar
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Phasing between Boom and radio mics

i am editing a fiction where the sound needs often the help of the radio mikes (what i do not like very much) i have allways between 3 an 12 samples offset between the different mikes. does there ...
george's user avatar
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How does Reaper interpret timecode?

I'm trying to export audio out of Reaper but the timecode I see inside vs outside of the application are different. I have a tool that can align audio to video automatically using timecode but the ...
Purp's user avatar
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