Questions tagged [genre]

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2 votes
2 answers

Sound Design Journals on genre

I'm looking at writing a section in a report about different genres in film, and how sound design varies for each. Does anyone know any useful links to articles/journals/papers, preferably for ...
0 votes
1 answer

Frequency distribution graphs in music

I'm quite a newb when it comes to anything audio-related but am playing with programming a spectrum-visualiser. I chunked the signal into 50 bars, each representing another frequency-band. One thing ...
2 votes
5 answers

Common Horror Genre type "stingers"

I'm working on a short scary flick and am working on a transition or stinger for one scene and it it brought to my mind this question. What are common horror genre stingers? What comes to my mind are ...
0 votes
2 answers

Sound for a mockumentary genre

Anybody have an insight? Very little fx, little mixing? little ambience?
2 votes
1 answer

Sound Design fundamentals for different genres

Hi all, Just wanted to know if anyone was aware of any good sites where people have written about/reviewed the different sound design fundamentals for different genres? Like comedy, horror, drama etc....