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Questions tagged [beeps]

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Weird beep when using audio interface

I’m experiencing this very weird beep which randomly (usually with a maximum interval of 5 minutes between occurrences) comes out when connecting my guitar to the PC through my M-AUDIO MTrack II Plus ...
ela's user avatar
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Why can I hear this beep at 6 kHz and others cannot?

During a studio recording, I heard a beep and paused the recording. I played it back and neither the actress, sound technician, or assistant director could hear it. I imagined that it could be the ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Computer Bleeps/Robot Sounds

Hi guys, Now I might be being completely idiotic, but I am a sound-design student at Hertfordshire University, and I've been searching everywhere for some ideas on how to get computer type bleeps, ...
Ross's user avatar
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ADR Recording Software

I am new to ADR recording. I have a question specifically for beeps/streamers software: I have seen on DVD extras that show the ADR recordings and I have noticed that their software is able to give ...
Utopia's user avatar
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