Questions tagged [adobe]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there a way to crossfade multiple clips of one track in one click with Adobe Audition?

I've got a project which has some background music clips which I'd like to crossfade, I usually make it by taking each clip and dragging it into the previous one a little, but I have to be very ...
jdlcgarcia's user avatar
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Premiere Pro ducks audio when nobody asked it to

I'm experiencing this weird thing with Premiere Pro. I have a track with background music, and a track with sound effects. If the sound effect track volume is higher than the volume of the background ...
Nicola's user avatar
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How to decrease the volume of an audio file in Adobe Animate 2019?

I'm editing an audio file manually, decreasing its volume, and then I'm importing it to Adobe Animate 2019. But the volume of the file never changes in Animate. It doesn't matter what software I use ...
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