Hi, I have been working on a few documentaries/interviews over the past few months. More recently, I have been working on a few Ob-Doc TV shows where having to hide Radio Mics on people has been important. More often or not, the characters that I have been working with have been "ordinary people" who haven't really minded a little bit of fudging around to get some right if something needs adjusting.
I have just been offered a job, where we will be working with UK Prime Minister David Cameron for a few hours. I have to say, I am a little bit nervous and I feel I should prepare my Radio Micing skills to make sure everything goes 100% smoothly.
Baring in mind this is an Ob-Doc, normally I would tape the mic to the chest of the character and have it under their clothing so it is out of shot. However, I don't think that I will be able to get away with asking Mr Cameron to do this.
This may ofcourse not be the case and I may only need to boom him, or this may be a sit down formal interview where I can pin a mic to his tie and it remain out of shot. I am yet to hear the full details. But I am asking this questions just so I can be prepared for anything.
So, I am really interested in what Etiquette people use when working with people of this Profile and how to ensure that I get 100% perfect sound.
How do you speak to them?
Where do you place the microphone?
Where do you place the transmitter?
How do you make sure they are comfortable with this?
Is there a 1,2,3 step-by-step guide for this sort of thing?
I have worked with the producer before, so she must feel confident that I am good enough for this. But there is no harm in brushing up my knowledge before hand.
I have read alot of the Lapel/Radio mic related threads in the forum already, so I am mostly interested in work Etiquette than mic positioning. However, any pro tips and must have accessory recommendations are also encouraged.
Thanks, and I will edit this question once I get more details on the style of the shoot.