I have an old pair of self powered speakers. They're 400W and great with the sound and back in the day for large events were fine, BUT, they seem to have a low signal-to-noise ratio; even at rest with nothing plugged in aside from power they each give off a distinctly audible hum (louder than a whisper and clearly notable in a room). The hum doesn't change when any speaker dials are changed.
From reading up on this I believe this is down to the Amp inside each speaker (but I'm not certain).
I believe I need to decrease the noise floor by tweaking the Amp to amplify less (?) or some other means. Possibly by also perhaps shielding internally in the speaker?
I'm a bit stuck as I can't afford new speakers, and feel I can't sell these ones until I've resolved (or at least, improved) the issue.
Speaker details:
- Date New: 2012
- Power: bi-amp 300W (peak) PER SPEAKER (according to literature; box claims 400W)
- Frequency Range: 50Hz --> 20,000Hz
What can I do, if anything to improve or remove the background hum from these?
(I don't think I can sell these like this and without selling them I have no way of buying anything newer/better)
Advice welcome.
EDIT: I believe possibly that the cause is that AC power in the UK is 50 Hz so that the speaker amp is able to pick up the electricity power supply (other speaks I see all have their frequency range threshold at 60Hz rather than 50Hz) .... Is this likely? Can this be improved by shielding? Again how easy would this be to do?