first post:
I've been recording/producing for 4-5 years but I've always struggled to get electric guitars to sound the way I want them and I'm wondering what I can do to improve that. (also done double tracking but the problem still persists)
The problem:
The guitar sounds 'flat' (not pitch-related), one dimensional, and papery. It doesn't feel very full and it doesn't sound like it has much depth. It sounds kind of harsh and biting, not smooth how I typically like guitars to sound.
Signal path: Fender Jazzmaster (single coil) -> Pedalboard (don't typically use many pedals if any) -> Vox AC15 -> Mic (Either SM57 or AKG Perception 420 large Diaphragm Condenser) -> Focusrite scarlett 18i8 -> ableton live 10
Mic is typically center on axis, sometimes just slightly off axis. EQ wise I high pass at ~100hz but don't really mess with the EQ much aside from the high pass. Amp is fairly clean sounding, amp EQ is set so it doesn't affect the sound. Typically I do use a bit of the amp reverb and apply more reverb in the box. Usually add a decent amount of compression in ableton also
Is there a better mic positioning that I can use? What advice can you give me on mic-ing guitar amps?
Is there any additional EQ/processing that I should be doing?
Is it mainly just my amp/guitar choice? I believe that Vox amps are a little more aggressive than some fender amps so maybe it is part of that?
Thank you!