If I am playing audio out of a speaker into a room, and there is a microphone in the room recording all the sounds in the room, can I cancel out the sound produced by the speaker in the recording?
I think that if I fix the mic and speaker's position, It seems to me that I should be able to:
- take an impulse response of room through mic and speakers
- convolve this impulse response with the audio file that is being played back
- invert the phase of the results
- add this to the live input of the mic (and account for latency)
just ambient sounds should remain. Is this correct?
If it is correct, how feasible would it be to actually do?
-would moving/rotating the mic or speaker just a hair cause the phases to no longer cancel at all?
-would having people in the space (even if not between mic and speaker) change the acoustics of the space too much?
is there a different/better technique to eliminate the audio being played through the speakers?