Mainly asking about electronic and house genres here:
How much EQ/compression/panning/etc. tweaking should I expect to need once I've written my first few loops? Does this depend on whether I'm assembling my own drum set or not? Do some pre-assembled drum sets need more mixing down than others?
I usually start writing house tracks by punching in a few 2 or 4-measure loops. Sometimes I select my own drums, others I'll use a preset or artist drum set in Ableton or Maschine. My friends have advised to always be mixing down, even during this initial layout phase, but I kind of feel like it interrupts the creative flow. The rationale is that ideas that seem ok might be impossible to mix-down at later phases, and you end up wasting time on an untenable idea.
I know this probably varies by person and setup, so I'd like to see if there are any good rules or benchmarks for knowing if/when you need to mixdown early.