Background to my question: I want sound to be my career. I'm in the middle of an associates degree in digital audio. I have some limited experience in the field and a decent amount of coursework behind me.
But, we've gotten to the point where having only one truly significant income in my household (not mine) doesn't work. My health insurance expired, too. Money is, in short, an issue in my household.
So, I've had to take a full-time job far outside the field. While I have most of the important (that is, audio) courses in my associate's degree finished (and a bachelors in unrelated stuff long done), I still need to take a bunch of unrelated courses to finish the degree, which I'll have to slog through.
What I now have is a 9-5 (well, 10-6) job about an hour away from me. Health insurance will kick in at some point, and I'll be able to set aside some (but not much) money, for the first time in my life, pretty much.
I have some pretty decent equipment, though some is low-ish end, and a Windows computer with Pro Tools.
Obviously, I don't have the time to do a whole lot. Sound is still my thing and a career goal, though.
As the title gives away, my question is, what can I do, rather than just sit around and wait?