i think one of the simple sound process is reverse sound and smtimes the result is very interesting my favorite: Glass crash, Explosion, Dialogue,, Musical Note, Cymbal Hit, Church Bell,
9 Answers
Reversing whispered speech is always a favourite of mine, especially when creating 'evil' or 'creepy' ambiences. =)
@Conant Hmm, I guess so, but it really depends on how it's used. Reverse breath noises and such are extremely cliche, and are starting to sound a bit 'cheap'. But if you have a really good voice actor and a decent script you can still come up with some spine-tingling results!– SkarikCommented Sep 17, 2012 at 11:23
good stuff to convolve too eg with wind– user49Commented Oct 12, 2012 at 0:41
Anything. EVERYTHING is better reversed. But, gun to head, reverse piano or harp gliss.
When cutting car chases, reversing an accel away from the mic is a great substitute for a fast decel when you can't find a naturally recorded one.
I really, really, really like recording sounds performed to be reversed i.e. conceive of the shape of the sound you want, reverse it in your mind, perform it that way, then record it & reverse
A simple example: I made a weird sting by used some drum brushes on the front of a metal gas heater to start gradually from nothing & build to very active friction... & ended suddenly by giving the heater a massive hit.... Reversed it ramps from the decay of that big hit into a loud backwards burst with a long backwards decay of the reversed brush movement
Reversed acoustic guitar or piano is the best! Clean and reverberant recordings work well. This kind of thing is good for non-diagetic textural sound design or music composition.
speaking backwards - i.e. speaking backwards then reversing so it goes forwards if you get my drift :)