Hey guys! I am in my final term at Vancouver Film School and working on my final piece. With that I am trying to find good sounds for tiny and big animal footsteps. I've currently used the "Rode NTG3" shotgun with no backup room mic.
You can see the video I am doing here: http://vimeo.com/41205967
My question is as follows: 1) Are there any specific mics that will work better for small tinny/sounds? Usually just become tinny/spiky and not very nice in a final mix (We use mostly ME66, Rode NTG3 etc) 2) Good things to use for bigger sounding steps for i.e bears? 3) Should I do perspective changes while recording with 2x mics, or tweak that in post with verb and just volume/eq? (I used 2 plungers on a small cloth piece on top of a dirt pit (make sound less sharp and more natural))
Should animals have any "cloth" movement? If so, any suggestions for what sounds furry?
Any suggestions would be well appreciated! Thanks! J