Hello Everyone,
I'm a novice sound designer with a bare bones setup. I have only been building it for a couple of weeks and on a strict budget.
So far everything I have is 100% legit and paid for though, so I take some pride in that. It seems like everyone that's learning just pirates everything but I feel the funnest part is getting gigs and using the money to slowly build a studio.
Anyways, I have a good enough PC, a copy of Reaper, Reason 4, Komplete Elements, Cut my samples and such with Audacity, do my field recording with my Tascam DR-05, Compose/perform sounds with an M-Audio Ozone. Still saving for proper monitors so for now I'm learning on a pair of Skullcandy cans and a pair of JVC's not amazing I know but so far I've only spent like 300.
Anyways, I have found about a billion and 3 free Synths but not a ton of things for manipulating my samples. I will be buying VST's as I need them for jobs or as I can afford them, but until then I would like to know if there is anything I'm missing.
I currently use:
Alchemy Player, Ambiance by Mangus, EQII for EQ, Round Pan for auto panning, Waterverb for under watery kinds of effects, Dblue Glitch for various effects, mostly electronic
I think that's about all off the ones that I use the most.
A few things I would like to find: (If possible)
HQ Doppler Effect, Something like Scapes could be fun, Something to slow down or speed audio up, Something to pitch audio up or down, Something like the GRM stuff, Something similar to the full version of Alchemy, Anything else for HQ effects/shaping
I know that's a lot to ask for out of Free VST's so I'm not expecting to find a replacement for every high end tool out there. Mainly just tools to learn on/placeholders until I can afford to expand.
I'm exited to try any plugins you guys know about even if they are just better versions of what I have.
Thanks in advance!