This is kind of a follow up to a previous question I had asked about audio cleanup.
Some tips to soften wind noise.
The director has asked me my thoughts on doing ADR for some of the scenes/shots in which there is really heavy wind noise. My initial response to the first set of clips she sent me was, instead of adr, we should just reshoot it. Both of the clips are very simple, man on a boat explaining some things.
She has sent me another clip which would be almost impossible to recreate, so now ADR is back on the table.
Here are my concerns with ADR. For starters, I am not really experienced much in adr. Second, it is non actors, so I am not sure how well they will fair with looping things. Third is that I have no facility to do this in. I am currently editing out of my house, All of the rooms are large and wooden and very very very live. The Scene takes place out on the water, so I feel that anything I record at my house will not ever sit within the scene.
I'm not really sure what I am asking, I just do not know what to do, or how to do adr to fit in an ext scene. There is also some weird part of me that feels morally wrong for looping a documentary haha.
Should I maybe find some other studio here that has the facilities to loop and then refer her to them for adr?