Hey everyone, I'd love to get some feedback here for this short 27 second clip that I sound designed.
It is a piece I made for fun and then turned into a more serious work. It is a redesign of a section of a trailer for a game called Child of Eden which this game originally is an interactive music game that you play with XBox motion sensor.
The graphics are so stunning and at times overwhelming that I had a hard time filling it in with my own sounds and having it fit.
It would be great if I could get some feedback on it because I want to finish it up and have it sound right and nice. Almost all the sounds were made by me minus 3 or 4 whooshes that I added last minute from a stock library.
I also tried to keep the game somewhat musical and and aurally beautiful.
Still though I feel something may be missing or some parts may not be arranged the way they should be but I don't know why yet...the music is not my making and maybe I should take it out but it's only there for a few seconds..
Thanks in advance for taking a listen/look