I'm looking for a list a films that contain "POV" Audio. What I mean by that is not where the camera enters POV, but where we enter a characters head-space acoustically. I stumbled across this idea I think maybe in a yahoo sound design group but am not sure. I am trying to formulate a solid idea/topic for a term paper. The direction I am going is how the design of the audio pov has changed throughout time, and then somehow link it to my film theory and criticism class.
The immediate films that come to mind are Saving Private Ryan, Children of men, but I am looking for some things outside of my normal viewing habits and something preferably much older. To find the "first" would be great, but that is a pretty subjective title I believe.
Just throwing out the cast net to try and grab some thoughts to help the idea along. My professor has multiple paper topics involving cinematography, directing, production design, etc but never has anything related to sound, so I have chosen the infamous come up with your own topic and discuss with the professor.