I am an algorithmic composer with a library of over one hundred .SFZ files. I have been generating a bunch of single-track MIDI files using midiutil in python, and then manually opening up Sforzando in a DAW to play the midi tracks using SFZ soundfonts.
Is there a way for me to automate this process? I can think of two possibilities, neither of which I've found the solution for. I could convert all the .SFZ to .SF2 and then use fluidsynth or timidity, but I haven't found a way to do that in an efficient manner given that I'd be converting 100+ files (there is an unanswered question on this site regarding how to do this). Alternatively, I'd like to find a MIDI rendering software that is a) usable via command line and b) compatible with SFZ. Do either of those things exist? I am on OS X, but could work with virtual box linux.