I spend most of my time programming in my work room, and would like to enjoy my lossless, audiophile music without having to crank up the whole neighbourhood.

Something that can sound very good and high-end on very low volumes, without me having to put headphones.

Doesn't anybody know of some good brands or models that I should look into?

Note: I'm looking more into stereo speakers. Don't need all these 5/7.1 sets...

  • This site is for Audio Recording and Production; home stereo systems are off-topic here. Commented Jun 9, 2011 at 20:16
  • You might consider also asking on the SE 1.0 site home4film, or supporting the Area 51 Home Theater proposal. Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 5:33
  • Thanks, didn't notice Home4Film existed. I'll move the quetion there.
    – Ory Band
    Commented Jun 10, 2011 at 13:15

2 Answers 2


HP USB Mini Speakers are reputed to pack a good punch for their size.

M-Audio Studiophile monitors are a good fit if you're OK with the price.


I eventually settled for an Audioengine A2 speakers. Very high quality relative to its price.

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