We're hammering out some workflow issues in prep for a new television series here at work, and I was just wondering, has anyone had any success in creating an OMF in Final Cut that links to the source media rather than consolidating and embedding?
I sat down with one of the editors to look over the options she has available when exporting an omf, and they seem pretty limited. I didn't see a "link to source media" option anywhere, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss it somehow. I'd prefer to have a linked omf, because it will provide us a bit more flexibility in audio post, and may save us a lot of time if we have to go pull out the source material for additional head/tail material, room tone, etc. In particular, one of the things that concerns me about the embedded material, is that it replaces the audio time stamp of the clip. That means I need to go to the EDL to determine the clip's source.
I'm thinking about purchasing an auto-assembler program like Titan or Virtual Katy to get around this limitation I'm seeing in Final Cut. We're still in Final Cut 6, soon to upgrade to 7; maybe that option is included in that version, but I don't know. Anyone know of anything we might be missing?