So, are we expecting the newly released iPhone 5 to have an increase in Bit Depth & Sample Rate capabilities for audio recording software / hardware?

I scoured the tech specs on Apple's website but couldn't find info on this topic (I assume it is hidden in the developer manuals).

I understand that the 'new' iPad is capable of recording 24bit/96kHz using apps such as auria.

I'd love to see Tascam (ixz) or Apogee (JAM) release a quality preamp with +48v capable of recording 24 bit/96kHz audio to an iOS app for field recording purposes.

Any thoughts?

  • I'd love to know the answer to this as well. An iPad with a good preamp recording 24/96 would be a fantastic way to record foley in the field if you need to keep it portable.
    – Matt Glenn
    Commented Sep 14, 2012 at 1:16

1 Answer 1


Well, rode has created the solution to this problem.

The iXY iPhone/iPad microphone, with its own a/d converter can record at 96kHz/24bit, bypassing iOS's 48kHz/16bit limit.

Great move from Rode.


Not for iPhone 5 yet, however.

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