Questions tagged [guide]

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2 votes
4 answers

Electrical engineering for sound designers

I've come from a background of education in sound design that was focused mainly on the creative applications of sound within media. More and more, I've found myself intrigued by the trades and skills ...
1 vote
0 answers

Call for SFX ideas for 'The Guide To Sound Effects'

Hey guys and gals We recently gave The Guide To Sound Effects a major overhaul, with a new look, search and more - and now we're looking to add more sfx ideas to the list. So if you've got any ...
0 votes
9 answers

how did they create this specific voice

hello friends, please give attention to my question, i need to finish my project. just now i post this question but the video didnt work well now i edit again and posted. how did they change leonardo ...
1 vote
11 answers

First recording/mixing headphones? [closed]

I'm studying audio design looking to buy my first pair of headphones for mixing and recording. My budget is around $100-150. My friend has a pair of Creative Aurvana Live! that sound good although a ...